Custome dates in articles

  • grashoper
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13 Anni 3 Settimane fa #58 da grashoper
Custome dates in articles è stato creato da grashoper

i have a customers that has a websites for special events.
he likes everything about the look of the component and the funcionality, there is only one thing missing..

is there a possibility to add a custome date to the article ?

because, there is an option to search by the date the article was created... but i need the option to display the search by the dates you want/search...

let's say i have artilce1 and article2, one is happening on nov 1st and the second november 5th... and you could search for all events between nov4 and nov7 and it would display all events that are happening betwen these 2 days..

is it possible to make such feature ?

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13 Anni 3 Settimane fa - 13 Anni 3 Settimane fa #61 da andrea_4g
Risposta da andrea_4g al topic Re: Custome dates in articles
A search-by-date-range feature is already there.

From Custom Properties Documentation:

Date Range Search

Starting from Custom Properties 2.0, it is possible to search content items in a delimited period of time. Enable this feature by setting 'Search by date range' to yes in CPsearch module configuration.

We consider the 'created date' as the beginning of the event and 'end publishing' as end date of the event. By means of the two calendar controls at the bottom of the search module (see picture), you are able to set the start-from and end-to date you your search. All articles that has one date within the search range will be returned. The illustration that follows show the concept.

Adding a new field of type 'Date', is hardly feasible, for it goes against CP "philosophy" to have a given, finite, set of tags to choose from. A 'Date' field, with infinite values, would be problematic to handle and maintain.
Ultima Modifica 13 Anni 3 Settimane fa da andrea_4g. Motivo: formatting

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